tamu agung造句
- Dewi had previously appeared in " Tamu Agung ", and Wijaya had made her debut in the Palembang Film Corporation's " Gagal " ( " Fail " ) the previous year.
- Monash University describes " Tamu Agung " as " brilliantly interweav [ ing ] modern political discourse ( including a militant feminism that appears to have emerged with the Indonesian revolution ) with archaic Javanese rhetoric, taken from the narratives of the Wayang ( traditional Javanese shadow play ) ".
- For his last film with the company, " Tamu Agung " ( 1955 ), Resobowo adapted Nikolai Gogol's " The Government Inspector " into an Indonesian context : the film focuses on the anticipation of the visit of a dignitary to a small isolated village in East Java.
- It's difficult to see tamu agung in a sentence. 用tamu agung造句挺难的
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